Neni Moerniaeni Shows Strong Commitment to Education, Offers UKT Subsidies for Bontang Students

Prospective Mayoral Candidate Neni Moerniaeni

BONTANG – As a prospective mayoral candidate for Bontang, Neni Moerniaeni continues to demonstrate her commitment to education by advocating several priority programs if elected in the 2024 Bontang Regional Election.

One of Neni’s flagship programs is to provide subsidies for the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) payments for students from Bontang studying within the city.

The former Mayor of Bontang aims to fully subsidize these fees, taking into account the local universities’ revenue and the city’s budgetary allocations.

“Considering the revenue generated by Bontang’s universities and the available local budget, I am confident that full UKT subsidies can be provided,” Neni stated.

This subsidy program is designed to support students studying in Bontang. For those studying outside the city, Neni proposes scholarships and the establishment of new dormitories.

Neni and her team have carefully calculated the costs of this program to ensure its effective implementation within the local budgetary constraints.

With Bontang’s 2024 budget reaching Rp2.6 trillion and projected to increase to Rp3 trillion in the amended budget, Neni believes that allocating Rp600 billion for education will sufficiently fund various educational initiatives, including UKT subsidies.

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